Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Modeling and Boundaries

Modeling is one of those really special things you can try out and enjoy. Modeling is fun and energetic for some people, its also a creative and artistic form of self expression. But self expression can sometimes get in the way of boundaries people set out. Especially when you want to be creative. The part that makes this hard is just the perception the photographer or their peers might have on the images.

Boundaries are something almost everyone has, they are things that people don't want to have happened. Or are things people aren't comfortable in doing. Boundaries aren't a bad thing to have and they should be respected at all times.  Boundaries in modeling can be like I don't do nudes, I don't do fetish modeling. They are there for the comfort of the model, and even the photographer.

But boundaries also can be disrespected, and I'm going to speak about this in the models perspective.

The two above that I named are my boundaries, I won't get naked for a camera or a photographer, and I won't do fetish modeling. (Unless its pg13) for reasons that are simple, it'll make me feel uncomfortable. Being exposed is something I don't feel comfortable with. Unless I can trust the person 100% which hasn't happened yet. But this doesn't stop people from pushing. Back when I modeled more I was always getting bugged for nude photo shoots. Why, well because nude photography is really beautiful and breathe taking, but mostly I feel like some people really do just like taking naked pictures.

Which isn't a bad thing. I have nothing against nudity, but what I do have a problem with is when boundaries try to be pushed. It gets bad when the topic of nudes gets brought up once and the model says I'm sorry but I'm uncomfortable with that, and a photographer continues to push. Either by still discussing nudes as an option or they try and tell you, you'd be really pretty naked.

I've had my nudes taken once, and that experience that I can look back on was bad. The shoot went okay, and I do like the photographs I got from it, my only problem I have with it, was the added sexual harassment at the end, which was me being told I look really hot and I gave the person a boner and we should have sex. For me, coming out of an abusing and being emotionally not stable, it didn't help. In fact I blamed myself and thought well if I didn't get nude photos taken, this guy wouldn't have said what he said. but the fact is, he might have still. and that is one of the risks I see with photoshoots that could be fetish themed or nudity. You might not know the comments you are going to even get from a photographer until they come.

So I think its important to always figure out what your boundaries are, and figure out what you might do later on, just not yet. I think thats important because it also shows your more mature and you have your path you want to do, weither its a hobby or a career path. It looks like you've thought it out more clearly.

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