Saturday, April 16, 2016


When people are dismissive it hurts. It hurts because the person is ignoring your thoughts and your feelings and basically telling you, "Hey, you know those feelings? yeah well I don't care."  I think a lot of people get being dismissive as like a form of tough love, I also hear this term being used "Tough love". I tend to wonder what tough love really means.

I mean love its self is a word that is placed on an feeling or object that we become fixed on. Love describes a fuzzy happy feeling. Love is something people experience and its not meant to be rough. Meanwhile tough, tough makes me think of objects that take a long time to break, or an object that can't be broken. Tough means strong. Sturdy

So what is strudy about hurting someone. What is loving about spilling hurtful and nasty words from your mouth?   Its not even love, there is no affection to it. Its like, its making that person not feel valued. It makes that person feel like their feelings don't matter. Its a way to manipulate someone to do a behavior you want. Its trying to mold something into shape. But as I pointed out, tough isn't moldable. So isn't this kinda of ridicules? Maybe?  Why can't people call it like it is? Why do we sprinkle the word love on it. To try and make it seem more appealing? More of a bitter sweet word to trickle off of the tongue of the speaker? Why do we need to care. If your being rude, let those words prick you and damage you as they are meant to damage the person who has to hear them. Tell the truth and label the word as it is.

Its being rude. Its not caring.

Because if you were telling it like it is with an objective view. You'd be looking at the situation and studying it like you would an object. You wouldn't add your personal view and you wouldn't word it in a way to show your view. You'd describe what you see. Not what you feel.

Telling it like it is, would be looking at a situation and being matter of fact about it.
Not matter of opinion.  thats not being objective. Thats opinionated.

this is too much.
I don't want to deal with this.
I'm just doing whats good for you.
 you need to get over this.
 why don't you try being happy.

That is dismissive. 
Saying that is hurtful. 

When you say that, you are ignoring the persons struggles. You are ignoring the persons successes.

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