Sunday, April 3, 2016

Celiac Diease

What’s gluten?
its a form of several protein found in wheat, but other grains too (barley, rye, ect) Gluten is what causes the dough to get it’s starchiness and chewiness and it’s responsible for the elastic texture in dough.

If you have an intolerance to gluten it means your body can’t digest it/break it down.

Celiac Disease
Eating gluten (if you've been diagnose) causes your body to have a triggering effort throughout your body which causes your immune system to act. Over time the antibodies your body sent out will wear down the little hairs called villi, which line the walls of your intestine. These finger-like tiny hairs grab and absorb nutrients as foods pass through your lower digestive tract. But as celiac disease symptoms slowly destroy these villi, you become less and less able to process any nutrition from your food.

What are some other grains that have gluten?
Grains are gluten in its most natural form:
  • Barley (barley malt) 
  • Bran 
  • Bulgur 
  • Couscous 
  • Farina 
  • Kamut 
  • Orzo 
  • Semolina 
  • Spelt 
  • Tabbouli
So doesn't this just mean you don’t have to eat bread? Bread makes you fat anyways.

Its not just breads and other baked goods that have gluten in them, It’s other products that are made with wheat and other products. We use wheat a lot as fillers.

What are some things that have gluten aside from baked goods?

Pasta, cereals, chocolate, meat, soups/sauces, pickles.... Also alcohol and beer may have it as well.

The lindt chocolate bunnies they have out during Easter have gluten in them while other lindit chocolates do not during other holidays. Not everything with gluten needs to have wafers.

If it says gluten free it’s all good, otherwise it’s best to read packaging and if you don't know what a word means its best not to take them.

If you have an intolerance why don’t you just give yourself a little everyday and build up an immune system around that?

I've been asked this before, but this doesn't work like that.

What are your symptoms?

I won't talk to into detail... but I get abdominal pain and cramping, bloating, fatigue and headaches... you get the picture.

Is gluten free hard?

Gluten free was hard when I first started it. Because wheat and other gluten products are in a lot of foods. But now that I'm been sticking to the diet for a few years its been really easy.

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