Monday, April 4, 2016

Which Sailor Moon Character Are You?

Sailor Moon

[ ] You’re a Cancer.
[ ] You’re really quite short for your age (under 4’11” to 5’1”).
[ ] You are a hyperactive person.
[x] Your weakness is cute boys/girls & junk food.
[x] You’re very emotional & always seem to be crying over something.
[ ] You have a black cat.
[ ] You hate school, & your least favorite subject is math.
[x] You always seem to be late.
[ ] You may be kind & loving, but you are very jealous.
[x] You try to do good.

Total: 4

Sailor Chibi Moon

[ ] You’re the youngest of your group of friends.
[x] You have/had pink (in your) hair.
[x] Your hobbies are painting/drawing.
[x] You have a total sweet tooth.
[ ] Your favorite colors would be red & pink.
[] You’re typically childish & stubborn.
[] But you can be selfless, kind, trusting, & wise beyond your years.
[] You make friends very easily.
[x] Your mother is very childish/not mother-like.
[ ] You wish you were from the future.

Total: 4

Sailor Mercury

[x] You love school & are quite good at it/You have no least favorite subject.
[x] You are always stressed out.
[x] You love the color aquamarine.
[ ] You’re sign is a Virgo.
[x] You have/had blue (in your) hair.
[x] You are quite shy, & find it hard to make friends.
[x] You are always very kind & helpful towards everyone.
[x] Your favorite sport is swimming.
[] Your mom is always working.
[ ] You want to be a doctor/nurse when you’re older.

Total: 7

Sailor Mars
[x] You have a bad temper.
[ ] You hate learning about more modern history (within the last 100 years).
[ ] Your dream job is to be a singer or model.
[ ] You have dated someone your friend had a crush on.
[] You have a friend you’re always fighting with.
[x] You can run in high heels.
[] Your favorite color is red & black.
[ ] You love fortune-telling.
[ ] You used to be a complete loner, but now you are popular.
[ ] Your sign is an Aries.

Total: 2

Sailor Jupiter

[ ] You hate airplanes.
[x] You’re a tomboy, but have a girly side.
[x] You’ve always been taking care of yourself & are independent.
[x] You’re very strong-willed.
[x] You’re a troublemaker, or so people think.
[] You’re one of the tallest of your group of friends.
[x] Your sign is a Sagittarius.
[ ] You have an ex who you’re always thinking about since everything reminds you of
[ ] You have dated a lot of people.
[x] You love cooking more than anything.
Total: 6

Sailor Venus
[ ] You have a white cat.
[x] Your favorite foods are Japanese foods.
[ ] Your favorite colors are red & yellow.
[x] You love to exercise.
[x] You are very cheerful person.
[] You love singing & want to be a singer when you’re older.
[ ] You’re good at almost any sport.
[ ] You’re an only child.
[] Your sign is a Libra.
[ ] You would fake your own death.

Total: 3

Sailor Uranus
[ ] You have short hair, enough to be mistake for a boy.
[ ] You love watching cars race or you race cars.
[ ] Your sign is an Aquarius.
[x] You’re into the same sex as yourself.
[x] You’re easily annoyed by people.
[] You have a very dry sense of humor.
[] You enjoy running (track or cross country).
[ ] You have a girlfriend (or if you’re a boy, boyfriend).
[] You love to confuse people.
[ ] You’re a huge flirt.

Total: 2

Sailor Neptune
[x] You’re average height for your gender.
[x] You’re very elegant & lady-like.
[x] You are into the same sex as yourself.
[ ] You have a girlfriend (or if boy, boyfriend) that you just pretend is a good
[x] You are very selfless.
[ ] You’re a Pisces.
[] Your least favorite food is mushrooms.
[x] You love music more than anything
[x] You have/had green (in your) hair.
[x] You can play an instrument of some sort.

Total: 7

Sailor Pluto
[x] You’re a Scorpio.
[ ] You want to be a fashion designer when you’re older.
[] Your favorite color is dark red.
[x] You drink green tea.
[x] You are not the best at playing music.
[x] You are quite blunt with your statements.
[x] You enjoy sewing & cooking.
[x] You would be considered a loyal friend.
[ ] If you could have one superpower, it’d be to tell the future.
[ ] The bug you hate the most are cockroaches.

Total: 6

Sailor Saturn
[x] You are by far the shortest of your group of friends.
[] Milk disgusts you.
[x] You enjoy reading more than anything.
[] You hate working out because you’re considered weak
[ ] You’re an only child.
[x] You have very few friends.
[ ] You’re a Capricorn.
[x] You’re a very shy person.
[] You live with your father.
[x] You care for others & appreciates sincere friendships.

Total: 5

I always loved sailor moon and I love doing sailor moon surveys.

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