Thursday, April 28, 2016

Day two

Day 2: something that’s illegal but you think it should be legal

Pot. And I don't say that cause I'm a pot head or something. Because I'm not a pot head. I've smoked pot twice and it was okay.

I just think out of all of the things that are illegal, pot is one of those weird ones. I still think that there should be laws, like don't smoke pot and drive. Just because pot effects people differently, but I think the use of it should be legal. My city has a lot of pot stores that have popped up. For medical pot, and I think thats great. But I think it would be nice if people who want pot could just go by it from a controlled place. Treat it like smokes, don't give it to minors. But other then that, let people have what they are spending money on anyways. Pot would help the dollar. So yeah, I think pot is something that should just be made legal.

Oh and I realize they might get there some day, I just think they need to juggle a lot of parts to pot before they start selling it. figuring out the yes and nos.

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