Saturday, April 9, 2016

Game of Thrones

Game of thorns is a tv series I use to really adore, I found the story interesting. but over the seasons I've found the show less and less interesting. I feel like now adays the plot has been dropped and most of the story is just gore and there isn't a whole lot going on. Also a lot of patting on the backs of people being like 'oh ho ho, i'm so smart. I'm going to sit on the iron throne" but then do things that are stupid and are getting them lined up to die. I guess the other reason why I don't like the series as much anymore because all of the female characters have kind of fallen.

Some characters are still great who are women, but they are more the ones that are defined characters that are more hiding to get the throne, like cersie and the red priestess. But other character that could be 'bad ass.' don't look it, and don't do anything. Like I don't find Daenery's is that bad ass, she has dragons, and those dragons are bad ass, but shes not.  When she was with her husband who then passed, she was bad ass then, but now shes not. Shes turned more into a pampered princess.  I feel like shes more of a disney princess in that sense. I also find the old women of the Rose family interesting but again, I don't find the main characters that interesting anymore in the story.

I don't also like the idea of watching a show in hopes of seeing either nudity or Peter Dinklage to grace the screen.

I feel like I'm sounding so negative, but I'm really not looking forward to game of thrones this year so I won't be watching.

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