Saturday, April 9, 2016

Grounding to remember

I wanted to post the three kinds of grounding I do know of! I should also practice it more!

 1.) First one is... Place your hand (Doesn't matter which one) On your tummy. Take big breathes in, your hand should move when you inhale and exhale. Make your tummy fill up with the air and than push out all of the air with your mouth. In with your nose out with your mouth.

 2.) Second one I learnt is... feel the weight of your body. Relax and feel your bottom on the chair or couch your sitting on. Your legs and there weight, how if your standing or sitting the still have weight to them, and your back, if your lying feel the weight down onto the bed.

 3.) The last one I learnt is... Just name the things around you in the room your in. And if your outside the stuff around you. So like if your at a bus stop. It would be 'bus stop sign, trees, cars, house, bush, dog, bird..' You can say it out loud or in your head. Just naming stuff sometimes takes your mind off of the thing thats making your anxiety say hello.

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