Sunday, April 3, 2016

Good Bye March, Hello April

I haven't typed as much as I wanted to in march, I wanted to post more but I was always busy! I spent that month with my friend who has moved away now. She moved to the main land and I'm still on the island. So I spent so much time with her until she left. We did a lot I think for march, we were always going out and doing something, or she'd come with me to appointments or she'd come and sleep over! We also watched anime and we watched movies. We had fun. (I think we did? At least I did.) We also did a lot of walking around. It was really nice to have a friend to walk with. I missed that.  :) So I had fun.

March was also nice because I found that support group for people with bpd and I'm really liking the group. I have left the room a couple of times one day because the topics were really hard. We ended up talking about suicide and it made me uncomfortable so I left. But the group so far has been really good and I'm feeling like its a safe place and even though my friend isn't here anymore, I feel like I can keep going.

I feel like April might be a laid back/lazy month for me before I go to school. I start school in May. So I think April is just a month for me to hang out at home and do nothing.

I'm so excited for school though. I'm also getting up really early lately which is good too. I've been waking up at 8:30 - 9:00 each day which is amazing. I think my meds are working and are helping and I think having my friend hang out with me was helping and I feel like going somewheres that is healthy has been helping me a lot. I also have that new program I go to, which also has been helping me feel like a person again.

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