Friday, March 27, 2015

Anne of Green Gables

1. How many of the Anne books have you read, and how many of the films have you seen? I've read all of the Anne of Green Gables books. I really need to have a sit down time and re-read all of them. I might read them for school. Because I can't remember all of the events that happened in the books anymore. 
As for the movies, I've seen all the movies from Kevin Sullivan. I like them. <3
2. If someone yanked your hair and called you carrots, what would you do to him?  I'd probably use all the will power I have not to crack my slate over his head, but in the end I just wouldn't be strong enough and I would  have to crack my slate over his head. I have no choice. It's rude to pull my hair.  However, my hair is not very carrotty in color, so I would be a bit baffled by that comment, and I wouldn't really be angry about being called Carrots.  
3. What would you do if Josie Pye dared you to walk the ridgepole of a roof?
I'd keep both of my feet firmly planted on the ground and let her dare away and make a fool of herself. I'd probably chuckle to myself about it after words.
4. If you had the opportunity to play any AGG character in an AGG play, which role would you choose? Anne, no question about it. I love Anne a lot. I'm not sure if I could even make a good Diana. I think I probably let Anne be around my age. So maybe around  Anne's House of Dreams.
5. If you were marooned on a desert island, which AGG character would you want to have as a companion? (Anne, Gilbert and Diana are not options.  Let's keep this thing interesting.)  
Walter Blythe. If he were stranded on a desert island with me, he couldn't go and fight in the war, which means he wouldn't die. And with him around, I wouldn't have to worry about having no books, or being bored to tears! He could entertain me with his poetry and stories. And maybe we could write beautiful stories together, and we'd become famous writers because of it!
6. If there was going to be a new adaptation of the Anne books and you could have any part in making the movie, what would you choose to do? (screenwriting, acting, casting, costume-making are a few possibilities)
I honestly can't really pick which one. I haven't read the books in awhile. But I think I probably "Anne's House of Dreams."  I used to write plays for school, so I could probably easily write one up for Anne of Green Gables. But I'd rather not.
7. What are, in your opinion, the funniest AGG book/movie scenes? (choose one from the books and one from the movies) 
I can't just choose one!  There is way to many, there's a lot of great ones in the book and in the movies. :x  For the movie I guess one of my favorite parts that always always always makes me laugh is when Anne and her friends help Anne get into a boat and they push her in it and she floats away. 
 I just like how no matter what she does, and how stupid it could be. How proud and stubborn she is.  As for... the book. I'm still avoiding that question. 
8. What are, in your opinion, the saddest AGG book/movie scenes?
Matthew's death. It always makes me tear up. =( I hate seeing that part in the movie, and reading about it in books. It makes me cry so much.  
9. Which AGG character would you most like to spend an afternoon with? (Not Anne and Gilbert and Diana) 
Probably Miss Lavendar. :)
10.  What is your definition of a kindred spirit? 
A kindred spirit is someone who you can be yourself around, without having to pretend to be anything or anyone you're not. It also means that you feel more relaxed around the person and you don't feel like they are going to judge you for any thing you say, any actions you take or anything else. They are someone who will listen to you when you speak your mind, and you listen to them when they speak theirs. If they make comments they aren't meant to be hurtful. But that my kindred spirit is saying something to help me. It also means they who accepts you as you are.  For being dramatic, weird, or a goofy. :) Basically I just see it as a super special term for super best friends. 

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