Friday, March 27, 2015

Pole Dancing

Pole dancing is something I really want to learn, do and enjoy! I've been really interested in training ever since I was 18 years old. My Little sister even really wants to get into it. I think my only reason why I haven't done it yet is the money for classes. But I think when I can get the money I will be signing up. I'm not sure how my social anxiety and social phobia will hold up. But I think I'll be okay. 

Pole dancing to me, It’s such an art and its so beautiful and elegant. The way the human body moves. I love that it's focused on that and the sensual of a person. 

The other part on why I want to do pole dancing is I would love to get a pole in our house, so I can practice and maybe do some videos with dancing to the music. Plus I really just want to work on being flexible. And I personally find pole dancing really attractive. 

I think it'll also give me some strength. Physically and emotionally I think. Because if I go and do it at a studio I'll also be around women and stuff. And I think it would also help my self esteem so much. I'd like to do some personal connecting with myself,  and I think pole dancing would be one of the ways to do that. 

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