Wednesday, March 25, 2015


First of all Hello, and welcome to my blogger. I’ll be putting some of my older posts on here in-between newer ones because I really do like keeping all of my old stuff and new stuff together if I can. So if I update a lot in the next few days, that is what’s going on.

What I want to post on here is going to be kinky things, personal stuff, mental illness, photography, lolita... ect. I'm a person who has a lot of interests and is really dynamic and somehow makes everything flow and blend well.  So if that interests you, follow me. I'll try and follow people back. (Do we call it following on here?)

 I've joined this site because I need a website to blog on. I was originally from Xanga, Moved to Tumblr and now I’ve joined Blogger.  So it’s really nice to meet you all, and I hope no one has issues with me being here.  I also hope I make friends. 

Btw, I really really love cats. 

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