Monday, March 30, 2015

Sailor Moon Survey!

1 – What age you started watching Sailor Moon?
Oh wow. Now that I think about it. Its been so long for me! I started watching Sailor moon back when I was in kindergarten. I used to watch it on YTV right after school. I use to race home and get so annoyed with my mum. (She'd take what felt like forever for her to get to our place so she could unlock the door so I could watch my tv show)   I was probably maybe 4-5 when I started watching it.
2 – Favorite character when you were younger?
When I was younger I really liked two sailor scouts a lot. 
My first favorite was Amy, or Sailor Mercury. I really liked that she was so true to herself. I always admired and really loved  her for being so smart, beautiful, gentle, and I also felt like she was a really genuine character. I also really loved that she'd get super tough when she was faced with adversity. She was the responsible one. I wanted to grow up with the traits that she had. 
My second favorite was Makoto, Sailor Jupiter. I felt like she was also a super strong and beautiful character.  I was so jealous of her skin and hair I also really wanted her rose earrings when I was little. For awhile I ended up wearing my hair up all the time. She was really inspiring to me. I also felt like I learnt some stuff from her. She's strong, Feminine, brave, unprejudiced, helpful, a great cook and baker. She also could stand her ground. 
3 – Favorite character recentlySailor Venus is one of my newer favorites. 


I've also started to become a fan of Mini Moon. 
4 – Best friendship



5 – Best canon couple


 Mamoru & Usagi


Haruka & Michiru
6 – Couple you wished existed


I think Sailor Mars and Venus would be so cute together. <3 
7 – Prettiest/most handsome characterThis one is a bit tough because all the sailor scouts are pretty, and mostly all the men in sailor moon were handsome. (Although some had werid fashion sense) I think the prettiest character I've seen in the show was Sailor Neptune.  She´s beautiful, talented, powerful. She also was really passionate. 
8 – Favorite villain
I have a list.... 
  • Nephrite
  • Black Lady
9 – Least favorite villainI don't think there's one I don't like. XD I really liked them all. 
10 – Character you wish was a Senshi
When I was younger I used to always think that Molly was going to join at some point in time with the Gang. I was so sad to see she never turned into a Senshi. I also felt really sad while watching the series because I felt like Molly was getting pushed away more and more. 
11 – Favorite Outer Senshi (and why)When I was younger I really loved Saturn. I thought she was super sweet and a lovely character.  
12 – Favorite Inner Senshi? (and why)For inner, I'd have to say hands down Jupiter! Because she's just really amazing. She's my childhood hero. (Aside from Wonder Women)
13 – Favorite secondary characterOMG!
Sailor Chibi Chibi.  She’s so cute and she’s like a little baby only saying “chibi chibi”.
14 – Best dressed Senshi


I really liked Sailor Neptune's outfits. She was always dressed so elegantly. 
I also really loved the outfits sailor moon wore. 
15 – Best Outer Senshi attack
Sailor Neptune’s Deep Submerge
 16 – Best Inner Senshi attack


My favorites were...
  • Venus love chain encircle
  • Venus love and beauty shock
  • Sparkling Wide Pressure
  • Supreme Thunder Dragon
17 – Favorite attack overall (villains included)


I couldn't think of any bad guys attacks. But I also really loved moon spiral heart attack sailor moon did. It was so beautiful. 
18 – Manga or anime?I like both! I can't really pick one.
19 – Sailor Moon episodes subbed or dubbed?


I say both. I think its good to sometimes watch an anime dubbed and subbed. It just gives you an idea of the full story. I personally do now adays prefer subbed! But I do like dubbed anime. I watched the anime first Dubbed. 
 20 – Worst dressed Senshi
I can't really think of any. I think all of them sometimes had some pretty odd outfits for walking around wear. 
 21 – One thing you wished the show had?I think I would have liked to seen more of molly and Serena being together. I think it would have been nice if she was more included with there group. I also would have loved to see a bit more of there life.
22 – Sailor Moon moment that upsets youSee question 24.
23 – Sailor Moon moment that makes you happyomg! There's so many. I liked a lot of moments when Serena was given the ring by Darien!
24 – Sailor Moon moment that makes you cry
 When Nephlite passed. That ep ever single time makes me cry like a baby. That also was the first time I saw a character in a tv show 'die'. 


 25 – Funniest Sailor Moon moment
 The scene when Usagi and Seiya are talking about Usagi’s “first time” and Usagi is all like “Mamoru I was going to wait for you, my sweet love” in her head but it turns out Seiya was just talking about dancing
26 – Dark Kingdom, Black Moon Clan, Death BI can't really pick which one I like the most. I guess I'll pick Dark Kingdom.
29 – Senshi or Starlights?
 I prefer Senshi. 
30 – Favorite Moon cat
LUNA!!! I really loved Luna. I thought she was just so perfect and cute! She also really made me think of a mother. :) She's one of my favorites and I really hope to some day get a black cat and name her Luna.
Also her human form was gorgeous!!

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