Thursday, March 26, 2015

Perlers Project

I really want to get into making perlers. I think next month or the month after I'm going to buy myself some. I found some patterns on pinterest I want to try.  I've been collecting ideas from hello kitty, sailor moon, other cartoons, anime and things like hello kitty. I think it would also be a good idea because I have pen pals and I like to hand make stuff to send to them.  I think the perlers might be cute to do. Same with friendship bracelets and other things.  

My boyfriend also has expressed interest in them too. And I have a few things myself I'd like to make too! So it'll be really nice to have them.  

Here are some that I've liked and I have saved. 

I really like the Harley Quinn one. I'm going to try and find a Wonder Woman one too, because I love Wonder Woman. I also would like to make a few cute bows, or maybe something that has to do with Studio Ghibli. :3 

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