Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Future Pet

This is more of a rambles post than anything else. 

I've been looking into animals and what I would like to have as a pet. The building I live in has no pets allowed, but I think if I can talk to the landlord and ask about If small animals are allowed. Like a ferret or something. I don't want to start getting items without knowing, but right now I know I can research and get ideas. 

I've been researching a bit about them, I've watched some youtubers talk about there ferrets. This also includes watching the animal plant video, and Joey TheTrainedFerret. :3 So I have been learning about them. I really want to make sure I have as much info as I feel like I need so when I look into getting one as a pet I feel more confident about it. Tomorrow I will be stopping to pick up some books about ferrets at the library to see if I can get some more info. I'm going to also write down notes into a notebook I have. I also added a section on my wishlist for ferret stuff, and I tossed some books about them onto there. 

This is one of the books I want. This is really suppose to be good for newbies that have never had a ferret before. Its also a good book for people who have had one before. It's suppose to have a bunch of info in it about caring for and about your ferret. So I'm hoping I can get this book sometime soon. 

My wishlist also has a bunch of stuff on it that I've figured out I'll need so far. I've looked at food so far, treats, toys, housing, health care stuff...ect.  I also know I need to get all this stuff before I bring a cutie home. But I can't bring a cutie home until I get the okay from the landlord.

I asked at the pet shop how much there ferrets are. $250, but I don't know if that counts with the cage or not. And because of that I'm still going to add the price to a cage. 

 I'm looking at what kind of cage I'd like to do. There is two kinds of cages I've seen, one that you buy that comes in a box that you take home and build, or when you flip something like a TV stand into a cage. 

Thats the cage I have on my wishlist for now. I think it's good. It's meant for a bunny, but I think a ferret will be okay in there. I'm only getting one ferret and I don't want to get him a super huge cage.  I think also for the lack of room we have here. I'd rather get a cage then to try and do a DIY project. We don't really have space for working with wood and stuff. I do love the DIY cages I've seen. 

I also am going to buy a carrying case for my baby.  I would love to take it for trips to the park and play with it.  I think if I get one, I'd rather get a pup, and train it from being a baby compared to training it when it's a bit older and already has some habits it knows.

So far with everything I know it's going to cost me around... 1,000-ish I think.  Which isn't that bad. I know I'll be saving for awhile before I can get the baby, and I want approval first. For now I'm going to save, find out if I can have one, if I can great, I'll start go out and get what I need.

Some of the names I've thought up so far is... Scampers, Kitty, Luna.  <3

... And because I should say this,  If I can't get one, I'll be sad, but I do know that I do want a ferret at some point. So at most it'll just postpone the need for a ferret, until we can find a place that is pet friendly.  Plus I'll have some money saved up and my boyfriend and I can do something else that is enjoyable.  

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