Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Studio Ghibli Survey

First Studio Ghibli movie?
Kiki's Delivery Service. It was the first movie I saw from Studio Ghibli, I saw it at blockbuster and I wanted to watch it, Stuff with witches always draws me in.  My dad got it for me, and than he bought me the VHS of it. 
Favorite Studio Ghibli movie and why?Howls Moving Castle. I still want to read the book this movie is based off of. But I love this movie because of the style. As I said above I really like stuff that has to do with magic and I think that might have been one of the reasons why I liked the movie. Along with the music. , I love the look of the cities and how detailed and even 'shiny' everything is. I love Howl and how he grows yet is still fun and freesprited even if he is a bit of a drama queen, and I love how Sophie grows. I feel like I'm like her in someways. I'm very down on my looks sometimes. 
Least favorite Studio Ghibli movie and why?
Err... This question. I really don't know.  I guess I would have to say Porco Rosso. Although that is more my fault because I was trying to watch while multitasking 
Favorite female main character and why?
Kiki! because I just love her and her adventure. I love her spirit and magic.
I also really like Nauciaa. She's really adventurous 
Favorite male main character and why?
Howl or Tombo. Howl is my all time favorite ghibli character, it has such an enchanting tale, and I find myself with a strange crush on him. 
Least favorite character and why?
Either the Witch of the Waste or Haru. I didn't like the Witch of the Waste From Howls Moving Castle, I thought her character was very whinny, and it came off as she did stuff out of jealousy and thats why she practiced magic. 
Haru from The Secret World Of Arrietty drove me crazy, I just found her character really rude in a way. She came off as she was stuck in her childhood and wanting to prove they were real. But compared to her father (I think) she wanted to remove them... It just really bugged me that she wouldn't leave the borrowers alone. 
Studio Ghibli movie(s) you haven’t seen?

  • Panda Go panda 
  • Anne of Green Gables
  • Wolf Children
  • Marnie Was There
Favorite ‘bad guy’ and why?
Lady Eboshi. I love her single-mindedness and courage. How she is looking after the women and wants women to be strong!  She’s the most determined ghibli-villain, she also goes through with her plans. And though she almost kills nature itself... She's a character I admire. 
Favorite secondary character and why?


Jiji for sure!  He’s sweet, funny, and is an adorable little cat! I think it’s also because I have a biased love for black cats. 
Favorite animal?
Yakul. He is so cute, and I cried when Ashitaka had to leave him behind, but Yakul wanted very badly to follow his best friend. He’s so loyal and sweet. He never needed to speak, you could tell they were friends. 
I also really liked the Teto. Which is the little fox in NausicaƤ Of The Valley Of The Wind
Favorite spirit creature?
IN NO ORDER... and I have probably missed some.
  • Susuwatari
  • Calcifer
  • No face
  • Tree Spirits 
  • Totoro - All the sizes :P
  • Forest Spirit  
  • Cat Bus 
Favorite pairing?
  • Haku and Chihiro
  •  Howl and Sophie 
  • Kiki and Tombo

Favorite song?
  • Stroll from Totoro 
  • Merry Go round From Howls moving Castle

Favorite moment?
When Kiki can Fly again, and when Chihiro remembers Haku’s name, and remembers meeting him before. Both of those moments touched my heart so much. I felt so happy!
Favorite piece of fan art?

I like how Jiji is holding on so tight. XD I can picture him saying
Too high Kiki! 
In the little whimper mumble he does.
Favorite quote?
"Without even thinking about it, I used to be able to fly. Now I’m trying to look inside myself and find out how I did it" - Kiki
"Just follow your heart and keep smiling" Kiki's Mum
Which world(movie) would you like to live in?
Howls Moving Castle's world. 
Or Kiki's world
Last Studio Ghibli movie you saw?
I re-watched Howls Moving Castle Recently 
Saddest moment?
When Kiki Lost her magic and couldn't fly or talk to Jiji. It made me so sad, I wanted to hug her so badly.
Funniest moment?


I think one of the moments that makes me laugh still is when howl has a breakdown about his hair. The reason why I found it funny was because of the comment Markl made that he saw Howl do this once before after a break up. 
Favorite Studio Ghibli cosplay?
I don't think I have one honestly. 
Studio Ghibli movies that you own?
I don't own any on DVD at the moment. Everything I watch is Downloaded/pirated.  
If you had never seen any Studio Ghibli movies would your life be any different?
I think so. I find the music and even just the films he does really amazing and they bring my days a bit happier and lighter to also know there's other people out there that enjoy and think the same way I do. Also Studio Ghibli helps me find inspiration.
Least favorite couple?
I don't have one.
Favorite fan inspired couple?
Errr... -leaves blank-
Character you identify with most? 
I'd say I'm a kiki/Sophie mix.
Favorite Studio Ghibli short film?
I haven't seen any of his shorts. But cat bus looks cute.
What movie would you recommend to someone who has never seen a Studio Ghibli Film?
Either Howls Moving Castle or Kiki's Deliver services 
What movie would you love to see a sequel for?
I would love to see a sequel of Kiki's Deliver services just because I wanna see Jiji and lily and their kittens.And how Kiki's business is doing and how Osono and her husband and their child is doing...  I want to know what happened to there life after! So many unanswered questions.

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