Sunday, March 29, 2015


The Tattoo I really want to get is mermaid scales. I think it's such a cute idea and I think something like that would be really cute to get. I'd like the tattoo on my thigh, one my legs and one of my feet. I want to do my first little bit once I started to take a Marine Biology course. I would love it to be a treat to myself. For following out something I want to do. I might leave it until the end when I pass.  
I'll post a few I think are super cute:


(This one is owned by risewiththemoon)


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If I get one, I want one to be the same color as my future fin will be. I also would love to get them and add a bit of detail that might be neat, like a bit of sand here, and like a bit of sea weed there. :3 I'm not totally sure what I'm going to do yet, but the idea is in my head. :3 

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