Thursday, March 26, 2015

BJD Dolls

I'm really interested in dolls, and one of the dolls I really like are called BJD dolls.  Which are also more commonly known as Ball Jointed Dolls.  They can be influenced by anime.  They are also a huge project and more of a hobbyist thing.  Because you can design so much. I think they are wonderful, and I even had a board for BJD dolls because I find them really nice to look at. They also can give me inspiration for outfits sometimes.

And I really love them. I see so many unique and beautiful dolls. I got into BJD dolls when I first found out about lolita. I saw the dolls Lolita's would make and they'd have with them in photos.
(I'll find credit for this when I can)

I really found it interesting to see that lolita's make these dolls and there dolls can have the same coord as the owner. 

One of the dolls I would really like is one that looks like a cat girl.
I find something like this cute:
(Pipos Doll - Limit Edition)

I could easily also toss a wig on her too, and I can already picture the oufits I could put on such a beauty. I also love this doll because it's really graceful and beautiful looking.  

I also would like to get one that's a Centaur. I really like Centaur's.  They are really neat to me, and I just really admire the work I've saw of them. Plus they also make me think of Centaur's in Fantasia.  I'm not sure if I would want it as a child form, Teenager, Male or female. I'd have to figure that out. But I think a boy could be cute.

 He could be the lover to my Cat girl I wish to have. <3 

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