Sunday, March 29, 2015

Things To Do Before My Next Birthday (Nov 22nd)

I made this post back on my tumblr just after my birthday, and I want to go off and knock some of the things down I've already did.  This is a list of stuff I want to complete before my next birthday which is on November 22 2015 which is going to be on a Sunday. I still have a ton of time to do everything. I'm also going to add some stuff too.

  • Watch a new series of Anime - I want to discover a really good anime and watch it all
  • Read a few of the books off of my wishlist. I really want to read Lolita. 
  • Get Matt to watch a few movies with me this year.
  • Get a good or a few gluten free cook/baking books.
  • See a movie I really want to see.
  • Play a new video game I’ve never played before.
  • Watch a Classic Anime.
Cooking & Food
  • Try making macaroon’s. 
  • Bake more food.
  • Try a different flavor of bubble tea.
  • Cook healthier food
  • Make myself a Bento box at least once. 
Clothes & Fashion
  •  Dress in Fairy Kei at least once. 
  • Wear lolita a bit more often than I have this year. (2014)
  • Try wearing something Mori kei in public at least once.
  • Try making myself something to wear.
  • Try maybe sweet Lolita. I’ve never wore really sweet clothes. Fairy and Sweet might be a bit to hard for me just yet. I’m not sure. I don’t really see myself cute in that way, but I’d like to see.
Health & Beauty 
  • Swap snacks for fruit for 1 month
  • Design my future tattoo on paper. 
  • Take vitamins and pills every day for a week.
  • Eat more iron enriched food so I don’t need to take that oral med thing.
  • Try and grow my hair to chest length maybe.
  • Try to pick at my skin less. Try to reward myself when I’m in that mood with painting finger nails or something.
  • Try and blog a bit more. 
  • Plan when I’m going to see my friends and family next, and what time of year. 
  • Hang out/talk with my friends who live closer to me more often.
  • Establish a health, and proper relationship with a new doctor and workers.
  • Keep communicating with my Daddy about plans and things. I don’t want to get into a habit of thinking he can read my mind.
Sewing & crafts
  • Color More.
  • Draw a bit more.
  • Do more crafts - Like finishing my headphones. Making a few pretty things.
  • Try and get back into sewing. I’d like to be able to make myself a lolita dress some day in the future. 
  • Do crocheting and knitting. 
  • See some places around the island or out in the mainland. 

  • Get a Penpal - anyone wanna be my penpal *puppy dog eyes*
  • Try writing short stories more again.  
  •  Keep up with putting inspirational quotes into my book. 
  • Add a few more things I find useful into my book of shadows. 
Other - Misc things that didn’t get a category
  • Build a blanket fort and sleep in it - !!
  • Get more fairy lights
  • Look at my bucket list and see if anything is doable before my next birthday when I turn 24. =) 
  • Try and at least do 4 courses before my birthday comes in school.  (I've done 2 so far! I'm half way there)
  • Get proper book shelves. 
  • Do another giveaway on tumblr when I can afford it. 
  • Get a few more plants for our place. <3
  • Add a few Boho things into the house. 
  • Get a pet / See if I can get approved for one.
  • Get a moss ball.

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