Friday, March 27, 2015

Random Facts

Family, friends, love
  1. I’m the oldest in my family. I have three younger siblings.
  2. Yes, I’ve been in a homeless shelter before. We went there after my mom and dad broke up. My dad and my siblings and I went to the homeless shelter because that was what was suggested by the police and people we talked too about stuff going wrong in our family. and it was the safest recommend place
  3. I love kisses when you get out of the shower and both peoples lips are plump from the water. 
  4. I love playing pool, the first time I ended up playing was with my dad. He taught me how to play. 
  5. I’m not that great with making friends. I’m not joking. Its really tough for me. In part I really don’t understand how the full process goes…  But I do have some great friends I’ve gotten over the year. And I get to see some of them during xmas of this year
  6. When Aaron and I get our first house, I want to build an adult sized tree house that can support our weight and sleep/camp out in it during the summer or even fall months. 
  7. I love my family
  8. I love Thanksgiving with my family. They are so crazy fun to be around.
  9. I have a memory box. It’s filled with stuff like family photos and friend photos, post cards, year books and things like that. 
  1. I listen to upbeat music when I’m sad, I don’t listen to sad or angry music because it makes my mood worst. 
  2.  I love coloring! I can sit on the deck in the summer with giant coloring pages print offs, with my clipboard with loads of markers, pencil crayons, and crayons and just waste away afternoons coloring. 
  3. I want to cosplay but I never have been able too, too scared.
  4. My heritage is French, Native, Irish, Scottish, English
  5. I collect rocks, sea shells, and old perfume bottles. 
  6. I LOVE the scents of lavender, vanilla. I also really like Coco butter and the smell of cherry blossoms.
  7. I’m a clean freak - and I get pretty obsessive about cleaning. It gives me a sense of control, and its more likely people will see me do it, if I’m upset. I did it a lot when we were in the homeless shelter. I’m been medicinally labeled as OCD due to this.
  8. Fall is my favorite season:  crisp cool air, crunchy multi-colored leaves beneath my feet and on the trees, (Aside from when it rains, than this becomes a slippery trap) warm layers, spirit hoods, hot cider, and then cuddling at home.
  9. I watch The Princess Bride every year for my birthday, I even got it last year for my birthday.
  10. I’m bisexual. 
  11. I associate songs with colors (and occasionally textures). Which is why I can always listen to a song more than once because I get the prettiest colors in my head.
  12.  I liked the play called “the bald soprano”.   
  13. When I was younger I use to think I was a mermaid. 
  14. I love egpty and I someday would love to go there. 
  15.  For some reason, in my mind, I associate colors to my numbers. For example, when I hear someone say the number four, I picture the color purple in my mind. 
  16. I actually dislike television, sitting and watching it, makes me feel like thats the closest thing that I will ever experiences to being a zombie.  I would much rather curl up and read a book, craft, write, or just sit and reflect while listening to music.
  17. I believe in ghosts, I believe people have angels, I believe in vampires, mermaids, and faeries.  I believe in magic, and mythical things.
  18. I am entranced by anything that is flashy, sparkly, or glows. 
  19. I have a fascination and adoration for all things fantasy-like and magical. 
  20. I love singing and humming. I may not be the best, but I believe that it is good for the soul and do it often. It just feels so good. I feel like I let so much out.
  21. My birthday is in November 
  22. I think that Alan Rickman is very attractive, he is my number one crush.
  23. I have finally seen Orcas! On the ferry to Vancouver, Not up close and personal… I still want to see them up close and personal. Like doing whale watching or something,  but I saw them and pointed, and also acted like a bit of a freak, but I was so excited! 
  24. Dita von teese, Miss Mosh, Audrey Hepburn, Hannah Mermaid and princess peachie happen to be some of my biggest inspirations.
  25. I love wearing I like skirts and leggings and dress over pants any day. I wear them when I can. 
  26.  I have a speech impediment, which tends to come off as an accent 
  27. ive been all across Canada. And I someday want to go back to my hometown
  28. I love Mario (all of them!), Mario kart, tetris, donkey kong, harvest moon, animal crossing, pikmin… :3 
  29. In a non-disrespectful way I have the worst time trying to keep eye contact with people. I always look away. It’s not something I’m use too, or even feel comfortable doing. If I try holding it I end up getting all watery eyed. 
  30. I really want to get a big collection of skulls, butterflies, feathers. Abandon birds nests, bird egg shells, and other oddities.
  31. I love the sound of bagpipes. 
  32. Some of the stuff I’d like to try out is… belly dancing, pole dancing, and hooping.
  33. I love skipping. I use to be able to do a lot of tricks.
  34. I use to think about killing myself everyday, sometimes those thoughts still enter my mind but I’m getting better with dealing with them. 
  35. I love anime, and I prefer short anime over long anime. (This is the same for manga too) 
  36. I have a really good memory. I can remember stuff that happened to me when I was younger.
  37. I have lots of phobias, I’m scared of clowns, heights, snakes, spiders, the dark, phones, being around a lot of people…. and thunderstorms to name a few. 
  38. I’ve walked on stilts before in drama class. I didn’t want to take them off, I felt so tall. I had fun walking around with them on all class.
  39. I’m really shy
  1. I’ve dyed my hair, red, blue, a reddish pink, black, purple, auburn, blonde. I’ve also have the front of my head (fringe) done yellow, pink, blue. I’ve also chalked my hair pink and lilac.
  2. I have three holes in my ears from ear piercings. There all in the same spot, but the second time I got my ears pierce to re-do a hole, they missed. So now I have two super tiny holes right beside each other. 
  3. I own one wig. Its from gothic lolita wigs. I own rhapsody in platinum
  4. I have one freckle on the left side of my face, and one on the same side on my hand.
  5. I have really long eye lashes. 
  6. I don’t wear makeup to often. For the longest time I didn’t understand how people apply make up. But when I do now. I do a tiny bit. 
  1. I love baking and cooking. I like creating stuff. and I like being able to eat it.
  2. I love cashews. They are one of my favorite nuts.
  3. I’m allergic to pumpkins, I’m also a celiac. So that does put a limit on some foods. It’s sometimes a real pain to be a celiac 
  4. I love sashimi. I prefer it over sushi.
  5. I’m an utter sweet freak. I love coke candies and I love cotton candy and chocolate, anything really. Sweets… I love sweets…
  6. I love sea food!  Crab, salmon, and mussels happen to be some of my favorite dishes.
  7. My favorite veggies are red peppers! 
  8. My favorite fruits are…. strawberries, cherries, cranberries and starfruit.
  9. I love peppermint.
  10. I cannot stand things that come out of the microwave. They have such a funny flavor and texture. 
  11. I love bubble tea. My favorite is strawberry .
  12. I finally had water melon a few days ago. I didn’t care for it too much
Animals, bugs and pets
  1. I really love caterpillars I think there so cute. I’ll pick them up if I see them in the middle of the sidewalk and bring them to the other side there trying to get too.
  2. When I was younger I use to help worms when it rained. If there was a really big rain storm I’d go outside with rain boots on and carry a bucket to put worms into. I than would put them into a little worm house I made with dirt so they could stay dry. once it was done raining I’d go off and put them in peoples gardens.
  3. Salamanders are so cute too me. I use to love finding them in Ontario. 
  4.  I’m also allergic to fur, and animal saliva. But this doesn’t stop me from loving animals, and wanting to pick them up! I still want a pet cat, I just am going to have to get one that is hypoallergenic and hope it doesn’t lick me.
  5. When I’m older I want to get a farm somewhere’s and get cute cattle like highland cows and let them wonder around freely
  6. Some of my favorite animals are…  Killer whales, peacocks, foxes, red pandas,wolves, bats, dolphins, bunnies 
  7. I’ve had a lot of pets in my life time. I’ve had a pet turtle, dog(s), fish, cat(s), hamster(s), and birds.
  8. I find rats and mice really scary. When I was younger I had a friend that had pet rats and she ended up putting them on me when I was younger. 
Out& about 

  1. I love doing anything around the ocean. I beach comb, I also just like sitting on the beach and listening to the waves crash and moves the rocks around. (We have lots of rocky beaches) I just  enjoying the ocean. I’ll bring bags with me to pick up trash I find along the beach and toss away at a local garbage can. 
  2. I love camping, and hiking. going on strolls through parks. I want to go camping (or backpacking) sometime either this year or next
  3. I love ice skating but I haven’t been in ages.
  4. I love doing archery 
  5. I use to be really scared of airplanes and the idea of air travel. But after my first trip on an airplane It’s a lot less scary than I thought it would be!
  6. I love riding on trains. 
  7. I love gardening and anything that gets me dirty with the earth

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