Saturday, March 28, 2015

Garden House

If I ever no wait, when I can get a house, I want to get something small like this on my property. I like the idea of having a little home for a few reasons. One being, when it turns to summer a smaller home might be nicer than a bigger one to sleep in. Another reason is really simple: I want a place like this on my property so if my friends, or even my dad comes out to see more. Or moves out here, they have a place that give them there own privacy.

 I always worry about my Dad, and when my siblings grow up and move out, and I have a house, and a little place like this that has heating and everything else, I probably would offer it to my father so his life can be easier. I’m not sure big on not having contact with my family. I love talking to them, I love my dad, and knowing that he is somewheres close would make me feel safer.

And I mean, if he can’t stay there other people can. Like friends or family who is coming out to see me in BC.

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