Saturday, August 15, 2015

Back To school

Back to school is coming up for me soon. I'm so excited! I finally got a letter telling me I'm approved for my grant so I can buy my books and pay for my course, I also need to get a few back to school goodies, but nothing fancy. I have binders already and paper. I also have my laptop, and I have some pens, and white out so I'm pretty much all set for that. 

I'm thinking with the left over money I might buy myself some little space supplies for myself. (A special treat) and some clay and than maybe something for my critters to hang out in. But I'm not a 100% sure yet. I do know I want to buy a couple of little space goodies I saw. Also some of them are for my middle space. Like some super cute snazzy nail polish, and a few other pieces of clothing. 

I'm really excited to go back to school. The best part of it all is I don't need to get up super early! Yay! I am however going to be at the school for a long time this semester because I'm taking two courses. So I also am going to be looking into making myself some lunches. I might also pester my boyfriend to make me super cute lunches and drop me a note every  so often. 

 My work load might be different this year. I know for the first few days I'm probably going to come home and do a big belly flop and lay in bed. 

 I'm excited though because I might be able to make more friends. And I most likely will also see my friend on campus too!   I also really need to look into volunteering at some local places with kids so I can get my 40 hours for my course so I can get into it. =) But I'll think about that a bit more later.  


  1. Volunteering is a super idea as you get practical experience and potential source of references.

    1. Yes. Its mostly just my worries about anxiety and social anxiety I worry about. I think I could do it though because its just going to be with children and I need it in order to get into the early learning and care program I want to be in. :)
