Monday, August 3, 2015


Tides  - By Besty CornWell

I've been looking forward to reading this book since it came out. Its been out for about a year or so. The cover is what really drew me to it. I love silkies, sirens, and mermaids. This book only has one of those three mythical beauties and that is Silkies. When I first saw this book the cover really blew me away. The picture its self is beautiful and I feel like its really telling a story.

The story it self does have some things I'd like to point out before anyone picks it up who might have issues, there is some kid napping in it and some abuse, Silkie women were never treated right. When there skins get stolen they follow which can take cause them to be abused and they are unable to leave. There also is a bit of bulimia said, but its not too much, and its not the main focus of the story.   The story has love, magic and is honestly just beautiful written and I feel like you really get to know the characters in it.

The main point to the story is a family who becomes very close to silkies for reasons which I don't want to explain because I'd ruin the full story. But its beautiful, Its sad sometimes, but the writer did a good job catching the emotions the readers should have.  This book was a faster read for me, but I like that.  I would totally recommed this book, if you are someone who likes to read about social issues, magic things or stuff about mermaids and silkies.

I'd give this book 5 stars.

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