Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Dear Witchy Diary...

So on Friday I went to my local shop that sells witchy supplies. I mostly went in to get two totems for myself. I wanted to get this really cute manatee totem and I was hoping I could find a whale one. While I was there I also browsed and looked around to see if there was anything I should really think about getting for my witchy supplies and I found two really beautiful and nice smelling candles. 

I also went to grab some more ideas of what I should add to my little box for my alter stuff.  I think I am going to hand make a few items, as I said in my last post. Other things I'm going to still collect slowly. One of the things I did see that I really want is a pentagon necklace. 

These are the two totems I picked up. I want to get a book on totems. Its in the animal speak section. I feel a little weird going there because It feels like its really try to capitalize on native american beliefs. I mostly want to find a book that is written by someone with native in there blood and learn that way. I'm also native myself so I do feel that connection a bit being there. Although my ancestries are on the other side of Canada.
I also did buy myself these two candles. The blue one is for emotional balance and the purple one is for healing. I thought both were really good choices considering what I've gone through and my trauma and even just the passed few stressers my Daddy and I have dealt with. (He reads spells with me. Its so cute)  These are just nice to have. I'm still really new to magic and witch craft so I really like just being able to have some cheats here and there and just be able to read spells and get everything else set up and cleanse my mind and stuff. 

These candles are really wonderful. I would totally recommend them to anyone who wants them.  

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