Saturday, August 29, 2015

Kittens play pen customer service

I haven't got my order yet, so this isn't a review post. This is more of a venting post and talking about the customer service I got from Kittens Play Pen. I ordered back in February, on the 23.   I ordered some kitten ears which I saved for, and I got a tail for free because my first order of my collar came and it was broken.  So I had a tail coming in for free. And I'm not complaining about that, But its nearly Sept, and When I get it, it will be in September, so if anyone wants to do math and figure out months and how many days that's been with me waiting have fun. I was aware there is usually a 3-ish month wait. But not as long as I had to wait for.

One of the things that has upset me so much about this full thing is emailing kittens play pen and having different people get back to me, and wanting to hear the same story over and over again, and me feeling frustrated with the fact that they couldn't just look at email history, I also was upset because when I looked for answers sometimes I would get no response at all. So I've been sitting in the dark, and I've been kept there.

I got a confirmation code finally and my order has been shipped. But so far from the customer service side I received I wouldn't recommend kittens play pen, nor would I recommend them for there waiting period.   Unless you want to order something and than blissfully forget about it, and than in a few months time you randomly find a package at your front door of something you ordered +4 months ago.

I just want my order here, and I'm sorry if this seems harsh. Its not meant to be. I also just want people from kittens play pen to see this and realize that there is something wrong with there messaging chain down the line. Sometimes for some businesses they will write little sticks to tell the next person the process thats been already done, so people don't need to re-ask the same questions over and over again.

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