Monday, August 24, 2015

Stuffed animal in public.

One of the things I've done since high school is hang a little stuffie on my purse. I do it mostly because it looks really cute to see a plushie hanging from a bag, plus it makes me look kinda geeky, and someone might end up talking to me more with a plushie hanging out on my bag, but the other reason why I have a stuffie, or a tail hanging from my purse/bag is because it really comforts me. My anxiety is pretty bad and when I'm out in public its really hard sometimes to try and find a place to ground, and if i'm in school for a test or something, same thing. But I can at least have something that reminds me where I am, and I'm safe. If I'm on the bus and I get anxoius I can just hold my purse and also hold my stuffie and no one thinks anything of it. I get anxious on public transit due to an accident I saw. 

This little guy has saved me a bunch in public spaces and he also has helped me on public buses. I'm really thankful I was able to pick him up when I went to vancouver. I also tuck him into my purse when its rainy so he doesn't get gross. 

But yeah, I wanted to show you guys what I do when I'm anxious in public. It helps me out, and maybe it'll help someone else out. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting that.
    While I don't have on one my purse, I do keep a small plushie in my coat or small travel bag to help me as I find being out especially on public transportation makes me really anxious.
