Sunday, August 23, 2015

Book haul

So I went to the second hand shop with my friend on Thursday I think it was and I ended up picking up three books I've been wanting to read for awhile. Each of them was 99 cents. I'm thinking I might read them for school inbetween classes and the bus ride home or too school.

Cleopatra: A Life By Stacy Schiff

This is a book I've been really looking forward to read. I love Cleopatra and I love egypt and I've been looking forward to find this book somewhere's, and I found it.  Its suppose to be a history book and biography. I'm not sure what else to say, other then this book is huge and I'm looking forward to flip through it and most likely just be amazed. 

The Time Traveler's Wife By Audrey Niffenegger

I've been curious about this book. I've seen it float around even when I was a teen and I've always been tempted to pick up and read it. But I've never had the chance until a few days ago. Its suppose to be a romance and I have read reviews and it seems to be a lot of people either hate it or love it. I'm going to try it, if I don't like it, I'm just going to take it to a book shop that I know locally that'll give me a few bucks of store credit. 

Memoirs of a Geisha By Arthur Golden.

I've been just wanting to read this one for a long time. Its suppose to be a movie, but I want to read the book first. It looks super good. 

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