Friday, August 28, 2015

Tree Frog mate

For the passed few days My boyfriend and I had be hearing crocking at like 2pm each day.  Each day we'd look around the house and we would end up going to my little room/storage room. We would get into the room and the nose would stop. We'd poke around the room looking, we thought it might be in with my stuffies so we looked there. When that happened while I was going through we heard a crock and I jumped and was scared to keep looking because I didn't want this frog or even toad. (We didn't know at the time) to jump out at me. than we kept looking. And then we found him. He was under some dead leaves that the advocate plant dropped. He was curled up and happy.

And then operation get the frog back outside started. We needed to get gloves on, so my boyfriend got some gloves which I bought mostly for picking up dead things, and like doing some house work. (there was a package of them) and we than needed to get something to put him in. So I grabbed a wide and short sandwich container for him to be in. After that we needed to figure out some cup to get him under, so we used one of those recycled cups that meant for gardening. 
Those. :3
And we got him under the little gardening cup, and we caught him. We than put his cup inside face up in the little sandwich container and I ran to my computer to figure out what to do with it. Where to put it. We live on the 3 floor of a building. We still weren't sure how it got up here. but it did. So I looked online. I found out some things, such as it needs water, but not from the tap, so I grabbed the bottle of filter water, it needs dirt so it doesn't drown, we added that to the container. We didn't have any rocks, but from the mucky mess it made I thought he'd be okay. We placed the sandwich container into a tote we had on the deck. In hopes of he'll just find his way down. There is one plant growing in there. and he ended up climbing onto the side of the tote. 

yesterday we looked for him, and he wasn't in his tote or the pile of muckyness water we made for him, or hiding in his little flower pot, but we found him hiding out in another one. Our roommate has also said she's seen these little guys on our deck before and I saw one too on the desk that wasn't this guy, so they do end up getting up here. 

I ended up googling what he could be, because he was really pretty and I wanted to make sure he was okay. It turns out he is a little tree frog. 

Our land lady says they climb up the building all the time and they'll find themselves a way back down.

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