Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Doll house

Yesterday I got this doll house for about 6 bucks at my local second hand shop. It was missing its front doors. It had bay doors so it only had one side of the doors, so I ripped that one off and now my bears house is just going to be open and flowing. :3 They are bears after all they got a lot of fur.

I'm excited with it because its pretty big for my size. And it also have some really neat pieces inside of it. So I let my critters kinda creep around and look at there new house.

These are a few rooms already that have little things in them. I'm excited about the kitchen and the fact that the living room has its own fire place. The kitchen is also just a touch higher than my mamma bear so I think I'm going to make her a little stool to stand on. but I love the size of everything for them. :3

 I also am going to do the blue bedroom up for the brother bear I think. It was suppose to be a babies room, but I'm going to use it as a little boys room. :3 I have to take down the stickers that are all over this house in some rooms. but I don't want to do it yet.  I want to wait until I have stuff to replace the rooms stickers. I also like the little sticker carpets so those ones are staying.

So yeah, This is my doll house. Now its time to fill it up with cute thingies. What do you think of the place?