Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Back to school

Back to school has been pretty good so far I think. My classes so far aren't bad, I think I am a bit overwhelmed to see the size of my classrooms and to really see how many people are taking the same course as me. I'm looking forward to English  because its one of my strong suits. Weirdly enough, even though I have difficulties with spelling, I'm still really good at the reading part and responding to things. Or figuring out answers from passages I need to read and do short answers and stuff.

My first day was a longer day, I ended up going to my school, going to my English course first and than after that I ate lunch and then bought the text books I need for English and my psychology class I'm taking. That class by the way is huge. And Its a good class, we are learning about empathy and how to use it. Because its important to know, and I guess its important also to know for child care so you can look at things with an objective point a few compared to a point of view with emotional and sympathizing with someone. Which is perfectly fine to do that too, its just when you sympathize with someone it can kick up a lot of emotions and those responses you are going to have. Like if someone lost there cat, and you lost a cat before, when they tell you about that person loosing there cat you might end up thinking about your own cat that passed away, and then compared to being objective about it. And not allowing emotions to get involved you might end up speaking with emotions.

Its going to be a really interesting course. We also get to do little sessions with a classmate, I have mine already, and we get to just listen to someone talk for ten minutes and while we do that, we are just going to listen, and listen for real. Like we are going to be in a clinical room, so we can't hear any other noises and its just about watching and seeing peoples reactions and they way they speak and there body langue and stuff. It'll be neat.

I think my bank account also adjusted to the wee bit of money I had to spend on my books for my class.  I did have a nice lucky thing though, My English text book was cheaper than what it would have been bought for at my school store, I ended up buying a text book from another person in my school, they had the one I needed and they bought it used, and than found out they didn't need that one, so I ended up buying there's and I got it for even cheaper! And yes, we checked to make sure I got a deal! So yeah I'm pretty happy about that too.

I go back to school tomorrow, but I don't mind. I ended up already doing my homework. So I'm basically ready for tomorrow now.

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