Friday, September 11, 2015

Sugar Skull

This year I want to get a few, a very small few of some sugar skull things. I'm learning more and more about Día de los Muertos, Also known as "the day of the dead", more and more and I really like that day. The idea behind what the holiday really is amazing to me, and its full of so much respect and I really adore that part of it.  I really do believe in respecting people who have passed away, there blood flows through my veins and without my family I wouldn't be alive.

So I think I might buy a few goodies, but not many, I know for awhile I really wanted to do a sugar skull shoot, but learning more and more about it, I really feel like I would be really out of place doing it.  I thought it was more of a make up thing, but learning more about it, its not. Its a full culture. I really also have to thank the movie "The book of Life" that also has really jump kicked my interest in the day of the dead. It also was written in my book with ghosts and spiritual things.

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