Monday, September 7, 2015

Blow it out

One of the newer techqines I've been doing to deal with self harm thoughts is one thats really easy. Which is lighting candles.  I've been starting to do it when I get really intense feelings to cut myself, But I don't use the wax on myself because I think I would still classify that as self harmy. But no, Is I light a candle and I watch the flame start, and slowly grow. I like watching the wax become liquid and pooling up, and I just really adore seeing the flame dance about. I also like it, because when I put it out, I get to pick when to do it. I get to pick when I put a fire out and I get to watch it die, and I also than get to see it create something by its self. Smoke, and I watch the smoke lift up into the air and dance as it slowly fades away.

I do want to get some scented candles, I saw that you could get three for a 11 bucks at micheals and I might do that when I have money to spend.  Because I can at least deal with this thoughts and feelings in a better way that won't lead to self harm.

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