Thursday, September 17, 2015

Lady Gaga

The music video was written and directed by Catherine Hardwicke, a filmmaker who Warren credited for helping make it “really gritty, harsh and real.“
“I hope that this PSA, with its raw and truthful portrayals, will send a clear message that we need to support these courageous survivors and end this epidemic plaguing our college campuses,” Hardwicke said in a statement. A portion of proceeds from the sale of the song, available on iTunes and other major music services, will be donated to organizations helping survivors of sexual assault.The video shows four young people of different races and orientation who are sexually assaulted, and how the attacks affect them. Its ending reflects the women who have spoken out about being assaulted.
I saw this posted on tumblr and I wanted to post it on my blog, mostly because this video has really touched me, and its also really close subject to me, and for me.

 You see, I'm a sexual assault victim, and I'm someone who has had this happen to me repeatedly. I've someone who hasn't had the event just happen once. But more than once.

The lyrics in this song,  the images they use in this song is so strong. It makes me want to cry. The emotions and lyrics in this song are so pure and honest and real.  I'm a survivor,  I don't know if I'm ever going to get over what happened to me. I really don't. And these images for me, they just fill me up with so much emotions because they are so relate-able. I ended up turning myself off because of what happened.

They do have some images that show sexual assault and drug use in this video, so I would say don't watch it if you are a victim and you are easily triggered. But for me... I feel like this is something people really do need to see. I think a lot of people still have the idea of it being romanticized somehow. Rape is so brutal and the self doubt and the thoughts and the words that go to your head after it happens and the blame, its there, and its so real.   But what really gets to me, isn't those images, but the looks of these young people who utterly lose themselves because of a pour choice someone else did. A decision that effected them. In my case, the choices that someone else made and how they effected me.

Thank you Mother Monster. You once again made a beautiful song, and thank you to Catherine Hardwicke, you did an amazing job with directing this.

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