Monday, September 21, 2015

Multiple personality disorder

So I found out that multiple personality disorder runs in my family. My grandma on my dad's side told me, its something she struggles with personally and she wanted me to know and to also tell my doctors about because she has gone through some of the same things I've gone through with my mood and how flip floppy I can be. Its also known as DID.  I might take a peek just to see the symptoms to see if I have similar ones. I've been diagnosed with other illnesses and at most those all could be big pieces to a pie that I don't know about yet.

The only issues with DID is most people from my understanding already are aware of there alters, and I don't think I have any/that I know of? I know about the alter part because someone from a website I use to mod on, they said there alter is there adult half that uses the website. Meanwhile there normal half doesn't get into that space? Like one kinky half, one not kinky half? So I guess that confuses me, because I'm not like that.

I do dissociate really bad and I can. I think its the way my body reacts to stress, its like my bodies response to trouble is just dissociate. Its like, I'm a turtle and compared to getting into my shell when I'm scared, I just take my shell off and I run... in a very confused and not an okay direction.

Anyways, This is another personality disorder I can put on a list of possible things I might have wrong with me.

I feel happy because I'm learning about my family history.

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