Friday, September 25, 2015

Day one of tumblr hiatus for mental health.

I’m going to try and keep track of how I’m doing with my tumblr free time. I’m no longer going to be on tumblr. I’m going to stay off for the rest of this month until the 1st of oct, and then from there after I have my appointment, and I see where everything has fallen, and just my feelings I may either just stay off of it completely and delete it or go back.

Today I do feel slightly impulse-y and I want to check up on the website and I want to see if my name is still being tossed around, it’s my obsessive side wanting to know what’s being said, who said it, and just check notes to see who else said what and why. Who are they ect.  So yes, looking at myself and knowing that is my feelings, and knowing my stomach is turning in knots with the idea that people could be talking about me. It does make me feel like I really do need a break.

So far its been difficult with not going on tumblr, but its going to get easier. 

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