Wednesday, September 23, 2015


One of my favorite things in my day is going to sleep. I love sleeping for a few reasons, one of the reasons is it just always makes me feel way better when I get a good nights sleep. But this isn’t about this, one of the things I really look forward to with sleeping is dreams, I love just being guided in my dream to a location and having something happens. Like if I play video games a bunch, my dreams will take on the video game world, same with movies, tv shows, and anime or a really good book.

The last few nights aside from last night, I’ve been having dreams about going to japan with my boyfriend.  Japan is somewhere I really want go to, and I think this dream mostly might be happening because a local girl in my Lolita community is going to japan. And I’m really jealous.

In my dreams my boyfriend and I end up flying all the way to japan, and my first dream was mostly us hanging out on the plane and me being really scared, and my boyfriend telling me not to worry, and me trying to sleep on the plane to try and make the flight go faster but I was unable to due to the excitement. I also had a book with me with basic Japanese language and my boyfriend had a phone number to one of his friends who knows Japanese we were going to call if we needed help.  I also have a list of stuff I wanted to do, and I was really excited to go places with my boyfriend, and this included shopping, food places, and tourist things like  museums and other neat places like that. 

On the plane we heard a voice come on, it was a male voice and it announce we were about 30 minutes away from japan and I ended up opening up my window to stare and watch us come in.  My boyfriend was really uncomfortable with the window open because you could look down,  and he has a huge phobia of heights, and I guess in my dream he does too. So I closed the window a bit so he couldn't see/look out the window,  and I watched us come in, we got closer to the city and I got to see all of the little buildings all lined up neatly into rows and I got to see the big builds look so tiny, and I got to see all of the lights of the city.  I felt so excited we were almost there!  

One of my favorite things to do on planes is watch us, the airplane come in, I love watching stuff that looked so small slowly get bigger and bigger. 

When we landed I was excited. My boyfriend and I planned we were going to take our time to get off of the air plane and go and collect ourselves and our stuff, so people who where in a hurry to go can go.   

In my dream we ended up getting our stuff and then we got a taxi, we also found some people  who were nice enough to tell us were a nice hotel was, and we got a taxi to take us there. The hotel was so beautiful, and the drive to our hotel was nice too. 

I think what was the nicest part of my dream is how the past few days I’ve had it, it was really relaxing, my brain felt like it was on vacation, and I really enjoyed it. I liked that my boyfriend and I weren’t in a rush to relax.  We were just able too. 

I would love to go to japan, and I hope someday I’m able too. I really enjoyed my dream visit and in my dream even if I did something that could have been really stupid, I ended up just laughing it off, and other people around me laughed too. I wasn’t able to make out in my dream if they were laughing at me, or with me. But I wasn’t to worried because I had a lot of fun.

It would be really neat to go to japan sometime,  I feel like I would want to go to all of the big and major cities. 

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