Friday, September 11, 2015

Excited About Our One Year.

Its not even here yet and I won't be until the 10th of Oct, Right now we are at 11 months,  but I'm really excited to know its going to be my boyfriend and I's one year soon! And more so in the best month ever! Halloween, super super spooky halloween! I remember our first night together and Matt playing Rune Factory awhile I watched and me giggling because he was making the guy not really walk but like hop. I found it really funny, I also remember snuggling with him after that, and us having sex, and stuff. Our meal was really good gluten free take out pizza. And I dunno, I guess all of that stuff gives me warm fuzzy feelings and it still does when I think about it. Because its the day I found my special someone, and was able to really start to see my feelings for him.

 I find it really exciting and it makes me so happy. This first year has had some rough times, but thats normal. I feel like any relationship can have some disagreements and rough patches. But I feel so joyfully happy its been one year of my goof ball, one year of kissing him, hugging him, calling him handsome, holding his hand, playing video games with him, eating with him. Sharing really great dinners with him. And him just being mine, and me being his!

One year of us being together, one full year of my heart filling up with happiness. Each day waking up to him. Its been wonderful. <3

*totally sappy love post*


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