Tuesday, September 1, 2015

One of my Idols.

I have a few people I look up to, for a lot of reasons. But mostly just because of there aim for animal rights and being voicing for animals and other things I strongly believe in. 

Hannah Mermaid/Hannah Fraser Is such a strong, beautiful and inspiring women to me, and she is one of those people.  She’s such a lovely mermaid, and she seems like she’s also a lovely person. I love her fins, there amazing and all on their own there a work of art. And when she gets in them, she looks so amazing. 

One of the reasons why I really like Hannah Fraser is the fact that she hand makes all of her fins, they aren't store bought, but hand made and worked on by herself, and each of them are really beautiful and stunning. 

She also does a lot of shoots based around animals, such as sharks, whales, and other endangered animals that people either harvest and kill because they are scared of them, or being they view them as pests or simply as a method to get food.  Hannah Mermaid Is one of the people who first really got involve with what happens to the Dolphins in Japan and she was someone who paddled out to protest.

She also spends a lot of her time, with a photographer and a videographer to make stories, beautiful images, and beautiful flims telling stories of these great creatures such as sharks to show them as nothing more than gentle beasts that have been killed by people who don't understand. 
I wish I could meet her! I would love to meet her one day. She's one of the reasons why I want to do mermaiding. <3 Once I get the money. Than one of my dreams will come true. :3 I'm really interesting in trying mermaiding or at least trying to educate younger people about the oceans.  
But yeah, as a 23 year old I really look up and love this lady. Shes amazing and I suggest people who don't know about her to look into her. 

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