Friday, September 11, 2015

spooky survey questions

Vampire: Someone offers you a chance at immortality. Do you take it, and why or why not?
I would. I'm really scared and anxious about dying.  I have a really bad fear of the unknown and I have a fear of death, because its not an experience people can tell you about. So I don't know if its painful or not, and what it feels like, what are your final thoughts ect. I've nearly died before, and that feeling was horrible. So If I could become immortality and never have to worry about dying, and look young forever like the way I look right now. I would take it.

Werewolf:  If you had to spend your life with just one person, who would it be?
I'd say my boyfriend. I want to spend the rest of my life with him, so It would be fine by me to do that with him. :3 

Witch: If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
Hm, this is a hard one, but I think if I could change one thing about our world, I would want to give animals who losts there homes, there homes back. So we can work on repopulating areas, and allowing animals to live.

Ghost: Do you have any regrets?
I don't think so. 

Frankenstein: Is someone telling you how to live your life, or are you an independent person?
I'm independent, I'm the one who makes the choices of what i'm doing with my life, like saving money, spending money, paying my rent, signing up for stuff and getting into school.   I do go to people for advice though when I'm unsure of something. Mostly just from people like guidance counselors or friends or my boyfriend. (My boyfriend will remember me of what I want to do. because sometimes I get into what I could do right now)

Mummy:If you were to fall into an eternal sleep, do you think anyone would miss you?

I think so. I'm sure my friends and family would miss me, same with people on my social sites like tumblr, or facebook, and of course my boyfriend would miss me. Same with my doctors I've talked to and stuff.

Zombie: Do you miss anyone right now?
Yup, I miss my dad and my family.

Faerie: If you could get away with anything, what would you do?
Anything? Oh goodness, If I could do anything right now I would probably go to micheals and spend money on halloween things and bring it all home with me to enjoy, and not have my boyfriend be like "Please tell me you didn't just spend like $500 on halloween stuff"

Nymph: What are you like when you’re by yourself?
By myself? Probably really goofy, I dance and wiggle in my seat when I listen to music, I also lip sync and giggle at things I find online, and I do a lot of typing.

Mermaid:  How far would you go to keep the one you love?
About the same length they'd be willing to go. I would say above and beyond but thats really not so much fun, and its very tiring when you find out someone is only going to put so much effort into this. In my last relationship  I put myself out there more for my other half than I really needed too, and I found out it made me really under appreciated. (I still hope that person will realize this someday)

Shapeshifter: What would you change about yourself?
Probably nothing. I've gone though doing a lot of self acceptances of my body, my looks, and stuff. I think for me that would just be mentally backfiring if I changed one thing about myself. Even my feelings and the way I react to things make me, me.  I think though, the only thing I'm even working on 'changing', which is just improving is on my mental aspects of my life. 

Banshee: If you knew one of your loved ones/best friends had only one day left to live, how would you spend that last day with them?
I'd do anything they'd wish to do, and if I can't, physically, I would try and find a way so they can enjoy what they wanted to do, for there last day on earth. If they were someone who wanted to once go flying, I would probably pay for a short air plane ride just so they can enjoy something like that.  My friends, and my family mean so much to me. They mean more than I mean to myself. If that makes any sense. I feel like if it was there last day, I would try my hardest to make sure it was the best last day they ever had. 

Siren: If you could make anyone do anything, what would you make them do?
Hm, this is a power I think would be interesting. Because a part of me, says you can't make people do something they aren't willing to do. But I feel like if it was used to get people to do something thats truly in there heart but they are too scared to do, I would help them. 

Genie: If you had one wish that would come true and couldn’t be reversed, what would you ask for?
I would save that wish. I would save that wish until I really needed to use it. 

Fury: What is a word/phrase that you dread to hear? 
I have a few triggering phrases. But I don't want to list them online. But I do have triggering words. I guess for a more general one I can post is I dislike the word "episode" when people are referring to me when I get irrational and very paranoid. 

Incubus: What would someone have to do to get in your pants?
Well, I do have a boyfriend so I'm not really interested in anyone else, unless your a lady that wants to sleep with me and my boyfriend/Daddy. But what would someone have to do? Be your true self, thats what I'm interested in. Be you, if you are awkward and anxious thats fine. I prefer meeting people who are true to them because it really tells me more about that person, than there fake mask. I also fell ten times more comfortable when I can see the true you. :3 
I don't need gifts, I don't need chocolate, I don't need panties, or stuffies. those things are all nice, but I really just seek people who are themselves. 

Succubus: What’s one thing you can’t live without?

My laptop/internet viewing thingy.

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