Friday, September 4, 2015


So I might be going to my first lolita meetup in a long time sometime soon. When A dated gets picked. Its going to be a meetup and sell items that don't fit anymore and things that are cute/kawaii themed. I'm excited because I have two Lolita pieces i'm going to sell. A dress and a skirt. I'm also thinking I might sell my white wig, because its a pain in the butt to get on and really just wear. I think I might. Its a pretty wig and I'm sure someone will buy it from me. Plus I have a few more non brand lolita stuff I want to sell. :3 So yeah. I'm excited.

I hope I can at least get one dress, although I'm not sure what color I want. I really want purple, but I don't know if purple would be a nice color on me. Like light purple. Or maybe baby blue. Oooh, I mean pink could be cute too.

I'm really excited though. I need to figure out an outfit. I know I'm going to probably be really shy. But thats okay. :3

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