Sunday, September 13, 2015


For the passed few days now I've been reading this manga. Its written by the same person who did Ramna 1/2 and Inuyasha. Same art style. I've been wanting to read this manga for awhile but I keep putting it off, I'm not really sure why I did, but I ended up finally starting to read it this week. And I really do love it, I love the main Characters, Rinne and Sakura. 

Look how cute they are! 

I also really like this manga because it has to do with spirits and paranormal which is like one of my favorite subjects in books, and I love it when animes and manga do it, because  you also can get some of there folklore and spirit history and terms so you can look up and learn. And I don't mean words like baka, but terms that have a meaning and than looking up spirits and seeing what they do. Which is something I do, and I find it really neat and fun. 

<3 anyways, I'm adoring this manga so much. 

I've also been on the hunt for a manga or anime like this for awhile so this is really perfect.

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